2020 Photos

Our first library this year was installed on the corner of S. Willamette St. and E. 43rd Avenue here in Spokane. With its solid oak door and matching siding it nicely compliments the home and includes an interior 300 lumen LED light that will ensure it is well-lit after dark!

Designated the "West Nora Avenue Little Free Library and Bookmark Exchange" this beautiful mini-me was installed on the corner of West Nora Avenue and North Jefferson Street in Spokane. It matches the proud Victorian it sits in front down to the smallest details. Get your entire family's creative juices flowing with a bookmark-making craft session and then visit this library to exchange both books and bookmarks!

Shipped to Maryland, this two-story library was gifted to the Town of Glyndon in memory of Dee Ruppenthal by her family. Dee was a 47-year resident and an active member in the Glyndon community.

Our client was very specific about which shade of turquoise she wanted for this cute little free library with its 3D printed windows and white picket fence installed on the 19400 block of East Buckeye in the Spokane Valley.

A great match for the home with matching windows, shake siding, turquoise door and if you look closely you can see we even copied the tiny vent on the front gable. Installed on the 400 Block of East 9th here in Spokane.

A traditional little red schoolhouse Free Library, Marlene's (new) Library was installed at 1436 North Summit Blvd. here in Spokane, a birthday present from hubby Don for Marlene's 80th birthday. Happy Birthday Marlene!!!!

It's a Girl!!! A combination house warming and baby shower gift, this adorable new baby is literally checking out the new library installed on the 1600 block of West 12th here in Spokane. The library was built months ahead of time but didn't get installed until after the baby was born, so no worries about paint fumes, although our new mama double checked lol.

Christmas 2020: This entirely 3D printed LFL miniature Christmas Tree ornament is a replica of a future library that we will be completing in August of 2021. It was our "we're sorry we didn't get to you in 2020" gift. Topped off with a tiny eye-hook, mini red bow and red and white candy-striped string it made an adorable Christmas ornament! Something in the future we may offer to our customers, time permitting! If anybody has a recipe for fluffier snow, I'd love to hear it! We made ours from shaving cream and white glue then added a bit of glitter.